Froese Brothers can meet all of your needs and surpass all of your expectations when it comes to harvesting grain. We start our wheat run in Texas and harvest in Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. Our fall corn and milo harvest is mainly in western Kansas. We will operate 5 CaseIH 7260 combines along with all of the support equipment that goes along with them. We use MacDon FD240 flexdraper headers and Applequist Falcon stripper headers. Our Elmer's Haulmaster grain carts are pulled by CaseIH Magnum tractors and grain trailers are pulled by T800 Kenworth trucks. We use the best equipment available to us because our customers deserve the best. With the size of our operation we are able to meet the needs of the some of the largest grain producers in the country, yet with the way our business is structured we can split off and also take care of those with a lot fewer acres.